
When you receive the good news that you have been selected for a grant, the award negotiation phase begins, followed by project setup.


The designated Pre-Award specialist will ensure that all final, fully executed contracts and awards are in the best interest of 圣何塞州立大学 and the Research 基金会.

During this review, the OSP team references a standard checklist to ensure all terms and conditions are acceptable to all parties, including the sponsoring agency. 项目 on this list include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Terms, budget, and statement of work
  • Dollar amount and, if applicable, carryover
  • 发票 and reporting requirements
  • Restrictions on academic freedom and right to publish
  • Intellectual property and commercialization of research projects
  • Assessment of risk and insurance requirements


When a project has been funded, the assigned 研究基金会 Post-Award分析师 will assist the principal investigator and their team in managing the administrative and financial details of their projects throughout the duration.

New Principal Investigator Orientation

During the new principal investigator orientation, you will meet with your Post-Award analyst to review roles and responsibilities, compliance and reporting, and additional avenues of support from the 研究基金会's Human 资源 and 会计 teams.

PIs leading self-supported projects will provide further details about purpose, goals, 以及收入来源和用途.

Project Account Setup and Structure

The next step is opening up your account. The Post-Award分析师 will assist with setting up and managing accounts for all awarded sponsored projects. 自立的 项目 manager will assist with setting up and managing all self-supported projects. Investigators leading self-supported projects must first complete and submit the Request/Agreement for Self-Support Project Account [pdf] form. The chart below describes structure and details on account types.


Project account numbers contain ten digits:

  • The first two digits represent the specific accounting fund
  • The second set of digits represents the associated academic department
  • The last set of digits is randomly assigned to distinguish 一个 account from another

For example, in #21-1501-4677 the 21 = federal funds and the 1501 represents biology.

前缀 委托人/基金类型 客户经理
21 联邦 Post-Award分析师
22 加利福尼亚州 Post-Award分析师
23 非营利性基金会 Post-Award分析师
24 Privary行业 Post-Award分析师
25 其他政府 Post-Award分析师
26 Cost-Share Post-Award分析师
34 自立:一般 自我支持项目经理
35 自立:Sponsor-related 自我支持项目经理
37 自立:Agency-related 自我支持项目经理
51 自立:院长/椅子 自我支持项目经理
53 自立:请 自我支持项目经理
55 自我支持:其他项目 自我支持项目经理

Information Sharing and Agreements

Whenever an exchange of information or data is involved in a sponsored project, principal investigators should work with their project manager to ensure the appropriate confidentiality agreements are properly established and have been approved by all parties.

For assistance or additional information about award negotiation or project setup, 请菠菜网lol正规平台.
